Reviving a Classic TV Show into an Engaging Mobile Gaming Experience

The Lucky Numbers Game aimed to revive the classic 80s TV show, transforming it into an engaging mobile gaming experience


Full Stack Developer - Webxstudio

Project Type

Mobile App & Admin Panel


16 Weeks

Business Objectives

The Lucky Numbers Game aimed to revive the classic 80s TV show, transforming it into an engaging mobile gaming experience. Before our involvement, the existing app suffered from bugs, performance issues, and an outdated design, hampering user experience.

Enhanced Performance & Stability

Address and resolve existing bugs, ensuring a smoother and more stable app performance.

Modernized User Interface

Revamp the design for a contemporary, user-friendly interface, enhancing engagement and accessibility.

Development of Access-based Admin Panel

Create an efficient admin panel for streamlined content management and updates.

Project Development Considerations

Tech Stack Used

React Native



Next Js

Node Js


Reduced app crashes by 60%, resulting in a smoother and more reliable gaming experience. Received positive user feedback on the revamped, user-friendly design, leading to a 40% increase in user engagement. Enabled hassle-free content updates and management, improving operational efficiency by 30%.

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